Do you have a result per country? Would you like to know more about what to consider when choosing a country for yourself? These are the best 5:
1. Employment opportunities and visa requirements
After all, we all go abroad to study and to build a great career. So the first thing we need to do is find out if this country allows it. If you want to work abroad after graduating, ask about the different visas and their rules, the chances of obtaining a visa, the types and number of jobs available, etc.
If you plan to return, you need to appreciate the value and relevance of education here in India.
2. Costs
The next point, which fits well with the previous one, is the actual cost of education in this country. These two elements together determine the return on investment (ROI) of the money you spend on training.
To do this, you need to take into account the cost of tuition, the cost of living, travel, accommodation, the probability, and type of scholarships offered, etc.
You can use this tool to compare the cost of living with your city.
3. Quality of training
Let’s face it, some countries certainly have better universities than others. That’s why you should consider going abroad in the first place. And if you look at the top 100 universities in the world, you’ll see which countries score highest in the specialty you’re pursuing. The United States and the United Kingdom as a whole stand out here.
4. Course room and requirements
While some countries generally perform better, others may be better in certain types of courses or have more specialized schools. We know that British law is more relevant to India than American law. Australia has major universities specializing in sports and other fields. So for your niche, find out what stands out.
And don’t forget the course requirements. This can mean that you take the GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc., or what is needed for 12+4 years of study.
5. Community and comfort of life
Ask yourself, where would it be easier to fit in? Which country has a strong Indian community, better availability of food, friendlier people, etc.? Even if you have a family in a certain place, it’s a clear advantage. These factors are less focused, but important because while you’re definitely going there to learn, the environment and the people around you make a big difference when it comes to giving the best of yourself.
When choosing the right location, factors such as weather, safety, language barriers, etc. are also taken into account.
Does all this seem too complicated for you?
Are you tired of putting one country above another?
Why don’t you just take our quick test and let us do all the work? This is the easiest and fastest way to find out which country suits you best.
What’s best? After the quiz, we also offer a free consultation to the first 50 people for more personalized recommendations! Yes, sir!
Well, what are you waiting for? Take it now!
And start anticipating!
When you finally go to your dream university!